Source Energy Infrared

Added Benefits to an Infrared Electrical Inspection

It’s well known that Infrared  is the safest,fastest and most effective way to perform an Electrical Inspection. Identifying potential fire hazards and improving energy efficiency are just a few of the direct benefits. I’d like to point out a few of the added...

Delegating Responsibility in your Maintenance Program

I recently asked one of my clients about issues he runs into on a daily,weekly,or monthly basis and what he told me was interesting and maybe quite common. The problem he pointed out was one that he also solved. He ran into this problem a few years ago. He said that...

Getting the the most Value and Quality from your Sub-Contractors

One problem I’ve heard often in the field from maintenance managers is that their sub-contractors don’t do a quality job. Issues that affect the reliability of the equipment can often be traced back to poor preventive maintenance. I have found this is more common when...